Azizov A. M. Single-channel principle of invariance in the dynamics of measuring systems: monograph - Книжное издательство Наукоемкие технологии в Санкт-Петербурге | Электронная и печатная публикации
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Azizov A. M. Single-channel principle of invariance in the dynamics of measuring systems: monograph

Электронная книга

Single-channel principle of invariance in the dynamics of measuring systems

Автор: Azizov Aziz Mustafayevich

Вид издания: монография

Год издания: 2020

Объем: 112 с.

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Описание книги

The physical single-channel principle of invariance based on the statement and solution of the extended problem of dynamic measurements is considered. In this formulation of the problem, both the signal to be measured and the parameters characterizing dynamic properties of the linear measuring system are considered unknown.

This principle of invariance allows us to solve a number of complex tasks of dynamic measurements, including the most important problem of elimination of the influence of parametric phenomena on measurement accuracy.

The main applied focus of the monograph is the field of measurement of non-electrical parameters of technological processes. The above mentioned methods and results can also be used to solve the general problem of determining the reaction of the input action object for linear non-stationary dynamic objects of any nature.

Подробная информация

Дата публикации на сайте: 7.05.2020 г.

Объем: 112 с.

ISBN: 978-5-6044429-4-4

Правообладатели: Azizov A. M.

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Библиографическая ссылка: 
Azizov A. M. Single-channel principle of invariance in the dynamics of measuring systems: monograph. – SPb.: Naukoemkie technologii, 2020. 112 p. URL:

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